This repository is a small TypeScript library to distinguish humans and bots from their mouse movements with the usage of TensorFlow.js. It was initiated by an internship with the Bureau404 company as part of the Master's in Mathematics: Specialist Focus on Careers in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (University of Mons)
Delbot Mouse is a prototype open-source tool using TensorFlow.js and some more other libraries like RandomForest to develop a generic way to distinguish humans and bots from their mouse movements on a web page. The repository contains three distinct JavaScript or Typescript modules:
We also have a python/
folder being the script location to manipulate data.
You can install delbot-core or delbot-training from NPM for Node with:
npm install @chrisgdt/delbot-mouse
npm install @chrisgdt/delbot-training
You will also need to install TensorFlow, we let you chose the version.
npm install @tensorflow/tfjs
Notice that Delbot Mouse is initially meant to be used in the web browser. Using Node.js or other JavaScript engines might lead to some unknown errors that you can report here as issue.
For a browser usage, you can simply add some script tags. To load delbot-mouse, you need TensorFlow.js.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
To load delbot-training, you need both Tensorflow.js and delbot-training, and it is highly encouraged to load tfjs-vis for training visualization.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
With Node, you can import delbot with import * as delbot from "@chrisgdt/delbot-mouse";
If needed, you can also import tensorFlow with import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
To import delbot-training, use import * as delbotrain from "@chrisgdt/delbot-training";
For browser, once you have loaded delbot mouse with the script tag, everything is packed in the single variable
, same for the variable delbotrain
with delbot-training. Everything is exported from src/index.ts
, check the
doc of delbot-core or the
doc of delbot-training for more information.
The folder trained-models/
contains some pre-trained models that you can use easily from delbot-core with, for example,
Otherwise, you have an entire example of usage without the training in /delbot-example/
import * as delbot from "@chrisgdt/delbot-mouse"; // not needed in browser
// Create an empty recorder to store and compute mouse features
// Set the screen size to normalize (x,y) positions in [0,1]^2
recorder = new Recorder(window.screen.width, window.screen.height);
// Set max size to prevent high memory usage
// For each small movement, store it in the recorder
document.addEventListener("mousemove", event => {
time: event.timeStamp,
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY,
type: "Move" // optional
myVerifyElement.addEventListener("click", event => {
if (recorder.getRecords().length > 100) {
// Models are obtained from delbot.Models
const isHuman = recorder.isHuman(delbot.Models.rnn1);
// ...
Here some example and explanations about the training of new models.
Some pre-trained models are available through delbot.Models
To train your own model with custom tfjs layers, you can look at delbot-training/src/models.ts
and read
the documentation. You only have to extend a class and define a single method.
You also have a GAN architecture in delbot-training/src/GANtrain.ts
To manipulate the dataset, you can use python/
folder, here is a short description of each python script.
.For the dataset usage in the training itself, unzip the file dataset.tar.gz
to obtain multiple data folder inside
, then run
to get sessions.json
(for normal training) and sessions_human_only.json
(for GAN).
The code of a basic training looks like this :
const data = new{xSize: 24, numClasses: 2});
const filePath = "../../python/sessions.json"; // path from code to session.json
const datatraining = new delbotrain.DataTraining({filePath: filePath, data: data});
const rnn1Features2 = new delbotrain.ModelRNN({
dataTraining: datatraining,
nameToSave: "downloads://model-rnn1-features2", // directly use
epoch: 25,
batchSize: 256,
useTfjsVis: true,
consoleInfo: true
// or simply ''
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {});
And for a GAN training :
// DataSimplePosition: output (x,y) for each movement
const data = new{xSize: 35, numClasses: 1});
const filePath = "../../python/sessions_human_only.json"; // path from code to sessions_human_only.json
const datatraining = new delbotrain.DataTraining({
filePath: filePath,
data: data,
trainingRatio: .9 // use 90% of the dataset as training set and 10% as validation
// Delay for tfjs-vis used in constructor
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const gan = new delbotrain.GAN({
dataTraining: datatraining, // xSize is 35 so the generator outputs 35 movements per trajectories
epoch: 1000,
batchSize: 64,
generatorSeedSize: 100, // generator input is 100 random numbers
useTfjsVis: true,
consoleInfo: true,
downloadModels: 50, // save models every 50 epochs
downloadSample: true
gan.train(1); // training number 1 to have unique ID per GAN train
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