Represent a generic instance of a single recorded mouse action. It must contain at least three data : time, x and y. Other features are calculated from these three data in the Recorder class.


  • SingleRecord


accel?: number

The total acceleration between the current point and the previous one, calculated the difference of two consecutive speed divided by dt.

accelX?: number

The acceleration in X axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with the difference of two consecutive speed x divided by dt.

accelXAgainstDistance?: number

The acceleration x divided by distance.

accelY?: number

The acceleration in Y axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with the difference of two consecutive speed y divided by dt.

accelYAgainstDistance?: number

The acceleration y divided by distance.

angle?: number

The angle between the current point and the previous one, calculated by atan(dy/dx).

averageAccelAgainstDistance?: number

The average acceleration from the first recorded point divided by the distance.

averageSpeedAgainstDistance?: number

The average speed from the first recorded point divided by the distance.

distance?: number

The total Euclidean distance between the current point and the previous one.

dx?: number

The x offset between the current point and the previous one.

dy?: number

The y offset between the current point and the previous one.

jerk?: number

The difference of acceleration between the current point and the previous one divided by dt.

speed?: number

The total speed between the current point and the previous one, calculated with distance/dt.

speedX?: number

The speed in X axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with dx/dt.

speedXAgainstDistance?: number

The speed x divided by distance.

speedY?: number

The speed in Y axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with dy/dt.

speedYAgainstDistance?: number

The speed y divided by distance.

time: number

The time stamp when this movement was recorded, often given by event.timeStamp.

timeDiff?: number

The difference dt between two consecutive times.

type?: string

The type of the recorded movement, it can be "Pressed", "Released" or "Move" (ending with "Touch" if from a mobile device). It isn't actually used, so it can be undefined.

x: number

The pixel of the x position of the movement. If used with a normalization where the scale is the screen resolution, it is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the left side and 1 the right side.

y: number

The pixel of the y position of the movement. If used with a normalization where the scale is the screen resolution, it is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the left side and 1 the right side.

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