accelThe total acceleration between the current point and the previous one,
calculated the difference of two consecutive speed divided by dt
accelXThe acceleration in X axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with
the difference of two consecutive speed x divided by dt
accelXAgainstThe acceleration x divided by distance.
accelYThe acceleration in Y axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with
the difference of two consecutive speed y divided by dt
accelYAgainstThe acceleration y divided by distance.
angleThe angle between the current point and the previous one, calculated by atan(dy/dx)
averageThe average acceleration from the first recorded point divided by the distance.
averageThe average speed from the first recorded point divided by the distance.
distanceThe total Euclidean distance between the current point and the previous one.
dxThe x offset between the current point and the previous one.
dyThe y offset between the current point and the previous one.
jerkThe difference of acceleration between the current point and the previous one divided by dt
speedThe total speed between the current point and the previous one, calculated with distance/dt
speedXThe speed in X axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with dx/dt
speedXAgainstThe speed x divided by distance.
speedYThe speed in Y axis between the current point and the previous one, calculated with dy/dt
speedYAgainstThe speed y divided by distance.
The time stamp when this movement was recorded, often given by event.timeStamp
timeThe difference dt
between two consecutive times.
typeThe type of the recorded movement, it can be "Pressed", "Released" or "Move" (ending with "Touch" if from a mobile device). It isn't actually used, so it can be undefined.
The pixel of the x position of the movement. If used with a normalization where the scale is the screen resolution, it is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the left side and 1 the right side.
The pixel of the y position of the movement. If used with a normalization where the scale is the screen resolution, it is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the left side and 1 the right side.
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Represent a generic instance of a single recorded mouse action. It must contain at least three data : time, x and y. Other features are calculated from these three data in the Recorder class.