An implementation of Model for Random Forest classifiers. The loadingPath is directly sent to loadFile then parsed to JSON format and loaded with RandomForestClassifier.load.






data: Data

The data object to format input.

loadingPath: string

The way to load the model with getModel, once loaded this field is never used again.

The model field or null if getModel has never been called.


  • Given a record of mouse features, use both data and model fields to format the record and predict a list of values, each element is a probability corresponding to an element of the dataset to be a bot trajectory.


    • record: Recorder

      The record object with computed mouse features.

    • uniqueDataset: boolean

      An optional boolean, if true then we reshape the dataset to have a single element with all our data, so the returned list should have a single element (a single prediction), otherwise the model predict element by element and returns the prediction array. All models do not support modified input shape.

    Returns Promise<number[]>

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